Well I hope everyone is having a great holiday season. It's in the 70's here today and It is a bit odd to be sweating and getting bit by mosquitoes while cleaning up the christmas decorations. I'm not complaining mind you.
Just a quick note to say thanks to everyone who contributed to the
Watoto Wa Kwetu Trust and Children’s Art Center by purchasing a sceensaver. There are only two days left to purchase a screensaver and help out on this important project if you were planning on doing so but haven't. As a extra thank you and an incintive for those who whould still like to donate, I will be drawing a name after new years day for a free 11x17 print valued at $75. What Print? Whatever one you would like! Hows that for a deal? Follow this link to read more and donate.

If you would prefer to donate directly to Farin here is some info from her about that.
Greetings friends and family,
As the New Year approaches I find myself only three and a half weeks away from my departure to Kenya where as many of you already
know, I will volunteer at the Watoto Wa Kwetu Trust and Children’s Art Center in the slums of Mathare. I managed to buy a ticket and put away enough money to sustain myself during the 6 weeks in which I will be there. This journey comes after 9 months of correspondence and planning with the founder of the center. I’ve been working very hard the past 3 months in order to raise funds to purchase some badly needed equipment and materials for the center. These items are better purchased in the US as the costs are much higher once in Kenya. You have most likely received several emails by now regarding this worthy project and my efforts to assist them. This will be the last one as time is of the essence and if I do not receive additional assistance within the next couple of weeks it may be too late to collect the items needed.
Just for the record, in order to better assist Watoto Wa Kwetu Trust and Children’s Art Center in the future, my friend Stacy Edwards and I are in the process of applying for our own 501 c3 status for our organization called Baobab Seed. This new organization should be up and running by early summer, allowing us to partner with Watoto Wa Kwetu and apply for US Grants to benefit their projects in Kenya. We will also be working to assist women in Kenya to learn skills that will lead to financial independence in order to sustain themselves and their children. At that time all donations made through Baobab Seed will also be tax deductible.
In a last effort to raise these funds I’m forwarding this information and web links to everyone and hope that you will respond. To begin with please check out the websites and consider either purchasing a piece of art or making a donation. Even a small donation will be most appreciated, $10, $20, $50, $100 or more, any amount you can see fit to send. Please make checks payable to: Farin Greer and mail them to 446 NE Ivy St., Portland, OR 97212
Here is a link to view paintings by Jacob Wachira Ezigbo (Jacob is the founder of Watoto Wa Kwetu trust). Here you can see the artwork that’s available for purchase. Please forward it to anyone that you may know that may be interested in donating or purchasing art. I have the first 28 paintings posted on the site here in Portland. I light of the short time I have to raise so much money, Jacob has agreed to reduce the price (marked on the website) 20% on any paintings over $500 in order to raise money for the center before I for Kenya.
Jacob’s Artwork:
A critique on Jacob’s work:
The Watoto Wa Kwetu Trust’s main webpage:
Also here is a link to my work, which a dozen or so are available (I will also donate 30% of any of the work I sell to Watoto Wa Kwetu Trust at this time to help the needs be met): www.fineartamerica.com/profiles/farin-greer.html
I wish everyone a happy, healthy joyful New Year,
Farin has recieved some questions concerning the program so I thought I would pass along her reply.
As the New Year approaches I find myself only three and a half weeks away from my departure to Kenya where as many of you already

Just for the record, in order to better assist Watoto Wa Kwetu Trust and Children’s Art Center in the future, my friend Stacy Edwards and I are in the process of applying for our own 501 c3 status for our organization called Baobab Seed. This new organization should be up and running by early summer, allowing us to partner with Watoto Wa Kwetu and apply for US Grants to benefit their projects in Kenya. We will also be working to assist women in Kenya to learn skills that will lead to financial independence in order to sustain themselves and their children. At that time all donations made through Baobab Seed will also be tax deductible.
In a last effort to raise these funds I’m forwarding this information and web links to everyone and hope that you will respond. To begin with please check out the websites and consider either purchasing a piece of art or making a donation. Even a small donation will be most appreciated, $10, $20, $50, $100 or more, any amount you can see fit to send. Please make checks payable to: Farin Greer and mail them to 446 NE Ivy St., Portland, OR 97212
Here is a link to view paintings by Jacob Wachira Ezigbo (Jacob is the founder of Watoto Wa Kwetu trust). Here you can see the artwork that’s available for purchase. Please forward it to anyone that you may know that may be interested in donating or purchasing art. I have the first 28 paintings posted on the site here in Portland. I light of the short time I have to raise so much money, Jacob has agreed to reduce the price (marked on the website) 20% on any paintings over $500 in order to raise money for the center before I for Kenya.
Jacob’s Artwork:
A critique on Jacob’s work:
The Watoto Wa Kwetu Trust’s main webpage:
Also here is a link to my work, which a dozen or so are available (I will also donate 30% of any of the work I sell to Watoto Wa Kwetu Trust at this time to help the needs be met): www.fineartamerica.com/profiles/farin-greer.html
I wish everyone a happy, healthy joyful New Year,
Farin has recieved some questions concerning the program so I thought I would pass along her reply.
RECENTLY ONE OFF OUR NEW VOLUNTEERS ASKED ME HOW TO RESPOND TO THE QUESTIONS WHICH I TOO GET ASKED EVERY DAY ABOUT THE WORK WE DO IN KENYA...I FELT THIS WAS A GREAT QUESTION AND WORTH SHARING AS MANY OF YOU MAY WONDER THE VERY SAME THING…She wrote to say that many of her friends and family have been asking questions about our choice to support programs that provide creative arts, when it seems obvious to assume that most of these children probably struggle just to get their basic necessities met, be in need of food, water and shelter. Well here is what I advised her to consider and share with people who ask this question; “There are in fact many new and established organizations that specifically work to assist the children(some of whom are orphaned) to have the basics.There still remains so very much to be done in all these areas.Though I will never argue that one must have the basics for thebody to survive, the soul is more complex. With nurture, by means of food, water and shelter there is still the need to nurture the soul by means of expression We desire to offer a vehicle for the children to dream beyond the moment. We believe...if you can dream it you canfind a way to make it happen, but if there is no dream, one may just fell a victim of their environment with no hope of something better. Creativity is a doorway to hope. I hope this helps. As the sayings go:Each One Teach One and Active Spirituality Supports Reality...”Please take a minute, visit our page and consider making a donation,no gift is too small….there is great power in a collective force of loveand support…Thanks for reading…Remember, we are all related,one people, one tribe- Blessings and Love…